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The Author

Richard Jablonski

I'm Richard Jablonski, an 80+  retired senior citizen, along with the love of my life Laverne.   We've lived in the same house for the last 58+ years, the first year of our marriage we lived in an apartment over on the next street.   Somehow we managed to raise 4 kids here and now hopefully we'll live out the rest of our days in this house.   I would say that our lives were pretty full and satisfying. Our kids are independent and have raised their own families and blessing us with 9 grandkids and 5 great-grandkids.   I like to get out fishing when I can, and we both like to head out to Amish country and enjoy the sites out there.   Some things that happen as we grow older show up as health problems. My loving wife was diagnosed as having Parkinson's but only in the early stage. Thank god we have the drugs to help. I'm in the process of confirming that I have type 2 diabetes. These are the type of things that occur as you age but not the type of things that can keep you from living a happy long life.   After thinking about writing a book for a few years now, I’m publishing different types in different catagories and hope to publish a few more in the future.   Over the years I’ve published 500+ articles on different subjects and on different platforms such as,, and my websites. Finally, it seemed time to write a book and publish it. After building different websites and posting a range of articles on those sites the idea seemed right.  

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